Potted Basil Plants Delivered to Your Doorstep
Are you looking for a fresh and aromatic addition to your herb garden?
Basil Plants are one of the most anticipated herbs of the year. Thanks to their fragrance, charisma and addictive taste, they are leaders amongst herbs. Famously eaten with mozzarella and tomatoes, combined with Parmesan cheese in Italian pesto and a fundamental ingredient in the Thai kitchen. Here at Pepperpot Herb Nursery, we grow several types of Basil to cover the array of tastes needed for recipes from all over the world. Basil Plants from our Herb Nursery are vigorous and will provide plenty of basil leaves throughout the growing season. As new varieties become ready, we update our inventory quickly so you can find the right flavour for your needs.
Check out our currently available Basil Plants selection!
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Basil Plant- Glimpse of History
Basil Plants originated in India, where they are still grown around temples. In ancient times, Basil was believed to guarantee a safe journey to the afterlife and open the gates of heaven. In Ancient Greece, Greeks used to mark the end of the year by offering Basil to the naiads, the spirits of the spring, to ask for a continual supply of natural water in the year ahead.
Basil Plants - Growing
Basil Plants are susceptible to cold weather. These tender annuals need sunshine and warmth, even at night, so we don't have it available until we know it will be a minimum of around 10°C overnight. They like to be watered, but that is best done when they have the chance to dry out again. The best time to water Basil Plants is in the mornings or the hottest part of the day, so they are not sitting in wet compost at night when temperatures are lower. If they are wet and cold, they can succumb to disease.
In their early stages, basil plant stems can rot, so check them and ease the individual ones out if that happens. By June, it's often possible to plant them out, but that's best when the stems are more established and tougher.
Basil Plants - Harvesting
Pinch out the main stem to encourage the growth of side shoots. Harvesting the tips prevents flowering, which is vital because some flavour is lost if a basil plant runs to seed.
Basil Plants - Quick Care Guide
keep in well-drained, moist soil with a neutral pH
grow on the windowsill or patio with access to sunshine away from chilling winds